Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year 7F

Dear Seventh Grade Parents and Students,

Welcome to the new school year.  I thought it might be helpful for you to have an overview of the year’s objectives.  I would love to share more about the curriculum with you at Meet the Teacher Night at 6:30 on Thursday, September 1.

During the first trimester, students work to answer two essential questions about the ancient world.  First, how did some groups of people develop complex societies with central governments, organized religions, and writing, while others remained in small bands of hunter-gatherers?  Second, why do so many cultures share the same tradition of epic stories?  To ensure that students fully understand the answers to these questions, they study the first four civilizations and analyze those civilizations’ successes.  They have to demonstrate their knowledge of the epic hero cycle by reading the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, analyzing Ramayana, and creating their own epics.  

During the second half of the year, students take a closer look at the elements that help civilizations succeed:  writing, centralized government and organized religion.  They examine Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, and try to determine why they developed different governments, societal norms, and cultural values.  Students learn that governance is structured in accordance with the economic conditions and the social and cultural values of a society.  As part of the study of language, students study the history of the English language and the early modern English of Shakespeare.  

During the third trimester, students try to understand the role religion plays in society and for the individual.  Students study the history, traditions, and current practices of major world religions.  Students also study literary terms, and focused in the use of symbolism in literature, history, and religion.

This year the seventh grade will participate in Quest’s History Fair.

Major Works:

The Odyssey

Romeo and Juliet

Tuesdays with Morrie


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